10 Most Boring WWE Wrestlers Of 2019

1. The Viking Raiders

The Viking Raiders

The Viking Raiders are the Raw Tag-Team Champions.

Think about that, then think how sh*te a job WWE has done with them since they were called up to Raw in April 2019. Forget the mass renaming spree creative went on in the first few weeks of their run, because there's something more worrying beyond what the once-proud War Machine get called.

They're almost a full year into their run on the brand Vince McMahon cares most about (which Raw still appears to be) and yet The Raiders continue working rudimentary squash matches against local enhancement jobbers. Their growly LOD-meets-Demolition promo style also works well backstage, but it's clear fans older than 10 don't relate.

2019 wasn't a banner year for the former ROH and IWGP Tag Champs. They're better than this, and they need to be let loose from the creative cage WWE has both in. If SummerSlam 2020 comes around and these guys aren't on the lips of tag-team lovers everywhere again, there might be trouble.

Who do you think was the most boring WWE star of 2019? For more wrestling, check out 16 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (Dec 30) and 10 Best Wrestling Moments Of The Last Decade!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.