10 Most Cursed WWE Images Of 2020
4. Vince McMahon's Nonsensical Cameo

Way back in April, Triple H decided to throw himself a celebration for 25 years in the business. He stood in the ring with Shawn Michaels and the two reminisced about times long past. It was indulgent, sure, but it was fine. And then, Vince McMahon made his grand entrance and the whole thing went to pot.
The boss would proceed to stand at the top of the ramp for several minutes and mumble his disjointed thoughts on his son in law’s career with WWE. He took some swipes, accusing HHH of being a boring in-ring performer. He brought up the unsuccessful “This Is Your Life” segment with Bayley, for no particular reason.
He then launched a few more insults before telling Hunter to “wrap it up” and making his exit. It’s a truly bizarre sequence that must have had the executives at Fox scratching their heads.
It’s also a dispiriting image, as time finally seems to be catching up to Vince. The man’s in his mid-70s, and he’s finally starting to look it. He doesn’t come out on TV so often these days - why he decided to do this is anyone’s guess.