8. The Undertaker Wanted Him To End The Streak In 2006
The Story: That The Undertaker wanted Kurt Angle to end his WrestleMania winning streak in 2006 at WrestleMania 22. The Evidence: There have been several rumours of 'Taker wanting to end the streak in the past. As everyone knows, Brock Lesnar famously ended the streak at WrestleMania XXX in 2014. But there have been at least a few rumblings of the Dead Man wanting to give someone else the rub many years beforehand. Angle gave an interview with The Sun in 2011 where he claimed that The Undertaker wanted to put Angle over in 06. The two men had an absolute stunner at No Way Out the previous month (and then they had another cracker on Smackdown two weeks later) but apparently 'Taker lobbied to have the match pushed back a month to WrestleMania. Here's what Angle had to say:
Undertaker really wanted to have that match, he asked Vince to push our match back from No Way Out to WrestleMania and, since I was champion they wanted me to keep the title, Undertaker was willing to take the loss. To me that meant a lot because Undertaker had a lot of respect for me and I had more respect for him than he did for me.
Of course neither The Undertaker, Vince McMahon or any other high-power decision maker has commented on Angle's claims. Is It True: As such, it's hard to really verify them. Angle has been known for embellishing the truth in the past and it could just be a little bit of self-promotion. But why would he lie about this? Undertaker definitely did have respect for Angle and vice-verca (even if the two were playing politics in 2004), and it's not like Angle is the first person to be a rumoured streak-ender. Until somebody else comes out and confirms it, however, it's hard to say yes or no. It seems that Rey as champion was the plan from early 2006 so it's doubtful that Angle was going to retain on the main stage.