10 Most Transformative WWE Events
7. End Of TV-14
WWE's 2008 switch to TV-14, which followed swiftly on the heels of Chris Benoit's death the year before, has been an issue so contentious for certain wrestling fans that it is almost tempting to say its impact on the product has been, if anything, overstated.
After all, WWE performers themselves - with a handful of exceptions (Batista and Mick Foley among them) - generally don't seem to mind, taking the view that good wrestling is good wrestling, whether you're allowed to drop the F-bomb and cut your forehead open or not.
The logic there is sound, but it also can't be denied that the decision to cull (or at least moderate the use of) blood and profanity represented a significant change. And a sudden one too, since 2006 was arguably the most violent and (thanks to that Edge and Lita segment) lurid year in WWE history,