10 Most Transformative WWE Events
4. Monday Night Raw
Weekly television - and more to the point: live weekly television - represented a significant change of approach for WWE.
In fact, prior to the inception of Monday Night Raw in 1993, the company's main outlet apart from sporadic pay-per-views was Prime Time Wrestling, a disjointed show which mainly traded in taped house show matches and promos or interviews without a live audience (which is a bit like making a forthright political rant in an empty room - see above).
After Raw, television ratings became a focal point - although, since WCW crashed out of the race, they have mattered less and less.
Not only that but WWE now had to produce hundreds of hours of content a year - which is pretty incredible when you consider how long it takes for an episode of say, Breaking Bad, to be made (and also probably explains the considerable gulf in quality).