10 New Directions For WWE After King And Queen Of The Ring 2024

1. Drew McIntyre Becoming World Champ

Drew McIntyre World Heavyweight Title CM Punk

WrestleMania 40 was a career highlight for Damian Priest, but his World Title win was also convenient for the writers. They needed a way to get the briefcase off Damian, and slapping Drew McIntyre in the face right after he'd thumped Seth Rollins moments before worked out. That gave CM Punk a good chuckle too.

Drew's day will come again in Glasgow, Scotland. There, he'll win the World Title from Priest in front of his countrymen, and attentions will turn back to McIntyre's beef with CM Punk. About that: Punk, if fit, would be considered a top pick for Money In The Bank. Then he could wreak more havoc on Drew with the case.

Let the fun and games commence.

That's the future. In the short term, Drew beating Priest in Scotland sounds about right. That'll lead to matches vs. GUNTHER, the returning Punk and others. Can WWE make a heel vs. heel setup like McIntyre vs. GUNTHER work? Meh, it'll be a laugh trying, and they've already shown how well they mesh in-ring.

Where else can you see WWE booking going after King And Queen Of The Ring? For more wrestling, check out AEW Double Or Nothing 2024: 10 Things That Must Happen and AEW Double Or Nothing 2024: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.