10 Noisiest Wrestling Managers Ever

6. Vickie Guerrero


In all likelihood, Vickie Guerrero has a mellifluous, wispy inside voice that would melt your heart. We can only guess, however, because we've never really heard her inside voice. Vickie repeatedly abused her poor, poor vocal tract in order to produce what she must have knew was a voice not intended for human speech. Every word out of her mouth conjured up flashbacks of Roseanne Barr singing the word €œfree,€ and every time she paused to take a breath, by golly, so did the audience. Vickie would have been remiss not to cultivate her ear-piercing capabilities outside the ring to (mostly) benefit Edge, Ziggler et al. Unbound by any obligation to speak €œclearly€ into a mic, she yelled at opponents, at the refs, at fans and yes, at her own protégés. She yelled. And no amount of crowd noise would spare us the chore of hearing her. Of all the annoying voices to crack this list, Vickie's ranks high on the eye twitch scale, but it didn't frequently enhance the story like the others.


CKUT radio host, underground lyricist, Michael Myers scholar and all-around world-class opiner. Signature move: Irony Bomb. Blood type: chai. Never seen in the same place and time as Logic Johnson, former featured columnist for Bleacher Report. Hopelessly unfamiliar with Yellow Submarine.