10 Obscure WWE Tag Teams You Totally Don't Remember
1. Jim Duggan & Super Crazy

Play WWE 2K23's Universe Mode for long enough with random tag formations/breakups on and you'll see some strange stuff. Jim Duggan teaming with ECW original Super Crazy in 2007 had that same vibe. It wasn't something any fan could've seen coming before creative blindsided everybody with these unlikely on-screen pals.
'Hacksaw' and Crazy became firm favourites on Sunday Night Heat.
Their alliance even extended into 2008 before WWE pulled the plug on Duggan's latest ride. Get this though: Jim worked no less than 65 matches for the company in 2007, and another 45 in 2008. Did someone tell him this was 1980s WWF scheduling, or something?
You'd be completely forgiven for forgetting that any of this even happened, or for forgetting that Jim was briefly called "Crazy Duggan" whilst teaming with the one time Mexicool on 'C' tier programming.
Which other obscure WWE tag teams can you remember? For more wrestling, check out 10 Things WWE MUST Do Before 2024 and 10 New Directions For WWE After Fastlane 2023!