10 Reasons Roman Reigns Is Outdrawing John Cena At WWE Shows

8. Reigns Is The Most Pushed WWE Star For Two Years Now

Historically, the most pushed star, usually ends up being the wrestler who draws the most. In that sense, what we are seeing with Reigns this past week, is just a case of a wrestler who has been pushed hard for two years. The investment is now paying off, he's been pushed so hard that he's perceived as someone worth seeing. Think about it, as far back as Survivor Series 2013 he was put over as a mega star. He then set an elimination record (and was cheered massively) at Royal Rumble 2014. A year later, at Royal Rumble 2015, he won the entire match! Then he main evented WrestleMania, in one of the best matches of the year. That's the sort of push wrestlers dream of, and even though fans turned on it, the perception of Reigns as a headline star has stuck. Buying a ticket to see him main event a tour isn't seen as bad value, he's perceived as a big name off the back of a two year push.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.