10 Reasons Roman Reigns Is Outdrawing John Cena At WWE Shows

7. Reigns Is A Really Good Pro Wrestler

The smart marks hate Roman Reigns, but even they can't deny the quality of some of his matches this year. The contest with Daniel Bryan at Fastlane was a twenty minute show closing main event. It delivered in absolute spades, and should be considered a potential match of the year. A month later, at WrestleMania, Reigns versus Lesnar was one of the most unique matches of this decade. It was brilliant in its presentation and execution. Fair enough you might say, having a good match with Bryan or Lesnar isn't that hard. But then consider the absolutely fantastic bout Reigns had with Big Show at Extreme Rules! That made it three specials in a row in which he excelled, and every thing else this year has been pretty damn good as well. With an increasingly good track record of performances, the numbers have followed.
WWE Writer

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