10 Reasons Why Roman Reigns Must Return As A Heel

7. It'll Give Fans A Reason To Watch Whatever Show He Ends Up On

Roman Reigns Tapout

Reigns's push to the top of WWE has lead to hearty disapproval from fans at live shows, but they're not the real problem. More serious than that is the fact that so many fans have stopped watching the show altogether.

WWE's ratings have been steadily declining for many years, but over the past 12 months, numbers have hit generational lows. Last autumn, Seth Rollins was WWE Champion, but Reigns still had the proverbial rocket strapped to him as Raw's numbers went in the toilet. The ratings were up slightly in the winter and spring with Reigns as number one contender and then champion, but the comparison is false, as there has been no competition from pro football so far in 2016.

The problems with the ratings may not have immediate consequences, but if they're not fixed eventually, the next set of TV contract negotiations won't go so well for WWE. They need to get numbers up, and while turning Reigns isn't the panacea for all of the company's woes, it might generate some interest in a product that's become all too predictable with "The Guy" as top priority.

The brand split is coming up, heralding a new era for WWE. What better way to ring things in than with a turn that'll completely shake up either Raw of Smackdown for the better? It's not like ratings can go down, after all.

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Roman Reigns
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013