10 Ridiculous Things You Learn Binge-Watching WCW's Worst Year Ever

5. GI Bro Is Even More Baffling Now

Vince Russo Sting WCW Title

Booker T will always look back on 2000 fondly, because he was finally handed keys to the main event kingdom by becoming World Champ that July. Book was a highlight of latter-day WCW programming right up until Vince McMahon's purchase, and he'd go on to become a stalwart in WWE afterwards too.

Vinnie Mac didn't tell his lieutenants, "Go get me that army guy".

Confused? Don't be. Another Vince, Russo, turned Booker into "GI Bro" in 2000. This was an echo of an old military gimmick he'd played before joining the company in the early-90s, but it was so unwanted by fans ready to see the bright young star ascend to the headline spots.

Imagine Cody Rhodes returning at the 2023 Rumble as 'Dashing'. Then, picture him ditching that callback to become WWE Champion by April - that's kinda what this was like. Booker T played a low-rent indy character mere months before becoming WCW's main man, and no-one has any clue what Russo was trying to achieve with it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.