10 Things Roman Reigns Could Learn From Bayley

2. Accept The Children

If you had asked wrestling fans a few years ago whether they would have embraced a character who declared herself a hugger and seemed purely set up to be aimed at children, they would have scoffed. They hate to feel like their product is being watered down and yet that is exactly what Bayley is. She is the anti-Attitude Era. Yet she's over because she has never hidden that. She aimed herself at the kids and the adults followed close behind. Reigns has been marketed in the opposite way. He was marketed at adults but has had them turn on him and the kids embrace him. So run with it. There is a reason he calls his move the Superman Punch - he looks like someone who could be out fighting crime in a cape and kids will love that. If Reigns accepts that children and their parents are now his primary audience, then it can only help him. Embrace the PG, drop the jokes about tater tots and things might work out fine. Will the adult audience follow behind? Maybe not. But then again, being booed by half the crowd hasn't hurt John Cena. Reigns is currently in the halfway house between an adult's wrestler and a kid's one and it hurts him. If he chooses his path, it might just turn out to be better for everyone in the long run.
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Roman Reigns
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A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83