10 Things Roman Reigns Could Learn From Bayley

3. Leave It All In The Ring

Every time Bayley sets foot in the ring you know you are going to see her give it her all. She wrestles like it is her last match and it is that which leads to incredible moments like her reverse hurricanrana from the top rope in her title-winning match. It was a risky move, but it suited the occasion, and it felt like a big moment. Roman Reigns, meanwhile, seems determined to stick to the same few moves to be used again and again. Too often his matches break down into Superman Punch after Superman Punch followed up by a couple of Samoan Drops and a Spear. Now, I don't expect Reigns to pull off hurricaranas and shooting star presses, but if he took a few more risks the fans would appreciate it and respond. Just imagine if it comes to WrestleMania and when Triple H is dominating Reigns, he comes back into things by using the Superman Punch. Would that be exciting? No. If he comes back with a host of new moves, the fans will be excited by it. They like seeing someone do something new. It's why Cena introduced his Springboard Stunner, and Reigns could learn a lot by going down the same path and making it feel like he has left everything in the ring to get the win.
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Roman Reigns
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A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83