10 Things Roman Reigns Could Learn From Bayley

4. Play To Your Strengths

Reigns is not a good talker, and yet he keeps getting sent out there to do the talking. His best promos have always been short and sweet 'I'm going to punch you in the face' affairs. In all honesty, Bayley is also not the best talker, so she is kept away from twenty-minute promo exchanges. What she is good at is getting across her passion and at putting together stories in the ring. So, in a revolutionary move, that is what she is allowed to do. She is put in a position where the company knows she can do well. Which is what they should be doing with Reigns. If his interviews need to be pre-recorded then do that! It works with Brock Lesnar. Or if he would rather not talk at all but just be left to do his thing in the ring, then that works too. Once upon a time, Sting was one of the most exciting and over characters in wrestling and he never said a single word. He just sulked in the rafters and it WORKED. If Reigns had silently hunted Triple H since the Royal Rumble, the fans may well have followed behind.
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Roman Reigns
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A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83