10 Things That Must Happen Now WWE Royal Rumble 2017 Is Over

1. Goldberg Wins The Universal Championship

goldberg universal champion

With one championship match at WrestleMania set, it's time to turn attention to the other one - and the bout that will headline the 33rd edition of the show of shows.

Kevin Owens may have escaped from the Royal Rumble with the Universal Championship, but his days with the belt are numbered. With Brock Lesnar versus Goldberg set to main event WrestleMania, the Universal Title will be on the line in that match - and with Goldberg booked to wrestle at Fastlane, he'll be taking the championship from Owens on March 5.

How will Goldberg get the shot? It's hard to say. Goldberg eliminated Brock Lesnar from the Rumble with authority, but then Undertaker eliminated Goldberg. Had Brock come back in to toss Goldberg, an argument could have been made that "Da Man" was unfairly denied a shot at the title, and therefore was being given one at Fastlane. This way, it's a bit less elegant, especially considering Goldberg probably won't be wrestling a TV match to earn his shot. Either way, though, expect Goldberg to win the red belt before WrestleMania.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013