10 Things That Would Happen If AJ Styles Becomes WWE Champion

1. A New Era?

AJ Styles Calf Crusher Roman Reigns Payback.jpg

As part of Styles€™ push, WWE keep going on about a 'New Era', and that€™s why they may be about to put the title on him, as a way of impressing upon fans that the business is entering a new period.

But will his reign actually usher in a new era? No. It is pure gimmick, you can tell that from the way commentary keep on parroting €œnew era€ on Raw.

Styles may very well get the belt as part of that gimmick, but it isn€™t like Steve Austin in 1998, or even Lesnar in 2002 or Cena in 2005. Styles and the new era is just a storyline. He could very well be getting the strap, but don€™t expect much more out of it than what it is worth.

WWE Writer

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