10 Things That Would Happen If AJ Styles Becomes WWE Champion

2. Jobbed Before The Autumn

alberto aj styles rio

If Styles does get the belt, his run will be over around SummerSlam. It could be a little bit before, a little bit after, but around three to fourth months makes sense.

That€™s the right amount of time to have this run mean something, but it isn't so long that it will distract from the bigger picture. Putting the title on Styles is one thing, but putting it on for a long time is a whole other matter. Vince McMahon€™s priorities are likely to remain Roman Reigns, John Cena, Seth Rollins, Brock Lesnar and the more established main event stars. Styles would be more like an experiment as champion, much in the same way that Guerrero or Benoit were.

Just like in 2004, it is something for the short-term, with WWE likely to remain focused on the same names in the title picture for the longer term. Eventually losing the belt back to Reigns, or the returning Cena/Rollins/Lesnar would be the ultimate fate of Styles as WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.