10 Things That Would Happen If AJ Styles Becomes WWE Champion

5. Bad Booking

vince mcmahon

WWE have a track record of not knowing what to do when they make smaller/unlikely champions. Guerrero, Benoit, Mysterio, Bryan and many others have found that they didn't have the proper creative to support their championship reign. The result was that they floundered in the role and their reigns were viewed as disappointments.

Styles could expect the same problems as champion. He isn't a Vince McMahon guy and that could show in the booking. They could make him champion, but without ever really believing in him. The result? He never really gets over in the spot, and fans are subjected to weeks of lame and contrived storytelling.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.