10 Things That Would Happen If AJ Styles Becomes WWE Champion

3. Styles Elevated

AJ Styles Roman Reigns

No doubt about it, even if the run isn't a roaring success, Styles will be significantly elevated by the WWE Championship.

He'll be an upper midcard to main event talent for the remainder of his time in WWE, featuring even more across the franchising and product placements. Fans will see him differently, as a championship to his name transforms the perception. In the grand scheme of things, AJ Styles: WWE Champion is a legacy.

The question WWE have to ask themselves is will it be worth it to elevate a guy who is nearly forty-years-old? Can they get sufficient value back on that investment? Some would say there's nothing to lose and Styles will give a short-term lift, others would argue that WWE need to be investing in younger talent.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.