10 Things TNA Wants You To Forget About Kurt Angle

8. Four Times!

Having one arrest on file for something as serious as DWI is bad enough, from both a personal stand point and for the image of the company you represent. But being arrested four times for drinking and driving really speaks to a larger problem. Angle was hired by TNA in 2006 and in a six year period, from 2007 to 2013, was arrested four times for alcohol related issues. Three of them were for DWI. The first was in 2007, the second in 2011 and this most recent example back in 2013. The fourth of these also took place in 2011, where he was arrested for being drunk behind the wheel, after a police officer found him parked on a median passed out in his car. None of these instances, including his 2011 arrest in Virginia Beach resulted in any form of jail time, or anybody being seriously injured. Even for someone who struggles with addiction and leads the type of demanding life style that Kurt does, there comes a point when your employer can no longer turn a blind eye to the type of dangerous behavior you have been exhibiting.

Jeff Long hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.