10 Things TNA Wants You To Forget About Kurt Angle

7. He Almost Died

Amazingly enough this has its own separate heading, not related to any of his alcohol related arrests. Putting aside those extraordinarily dangerous acts for a moment, the most potentially damaging thing Kurt could have done for his long term health was come back to the squared circle too soon. In August of 2006 Kurt Angle and World Wrestling Entertainment severed ties from one another. Due to the combination of injuries, alcohol and fatigue, there was a genuine concern on the part of WWE that Kurt might be the next superstar to tragically lose his life. Angle was then asked/ordered by McMahon and company to enter a rehab facility but since he didn't feel there was a problem, refused the suggestion and was ultimately released from his contract. Kurt has gone on record multiple times, claiming the difference between a great athlete and a world class athlete is that desire to be better than everybody else. So rather than take the necessary amount of time to heal, Kurt was back inside a ring much sooner than anyone expected. And to the surprise of many, Vince included, he made his debut in the Impact Zone in October 2006, less than two months after his WWE departure.

Jeff Long hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.