10 Things TNA Wants You To Forget About Kurt Angle

5. Bad Mouthing Past Employer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFq6KDaAt7w You can tell a lot about someone by the way they interact with people. Are they respectful and genuine, or do they often put down others to make themselves look good? In the case of Kurt Angle, there is a little from column A and a little from column B, depending on when he was doing the talking, but he had some very interesting things to say about his past employer and his superstars. We can all understand the claims he made of Batista, Mark Henry and John Cena not all being great wrestlers because, well, let's be honest, they're not. Some of the more damaging things he said were about the company itself and the owner, Vince McMahon. He used powerful phrases like "WWE was running me into the ground", "I thought I was stuck" and the most intriguing of all, "I already had my eyes set on TNA". Now that last one isn't all that believable. If anything it was simply a way to put a positive spin on the company he had just signed with. But if there actually is any truth to that and Kurt Angle somehow orchestrated this whole scenario just so he could maneuver himself out of WWE and wind up in TNA, then one of the most talked about incidents in recent wrestling history just got a whole lot more interesting.

Jeff Long hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.