10 Things We Learned From A Genuine 1998 WCW Nitro Script
7. And It's The Only Match With Detailed Notes
Strangely, that throwaway Saturn vs. Lizmark Jr match is the only one that gets any kind of detailed attention in the entire script. The 5 October '98 Nitro had bouts like Kanyon vs. DDP, Billy Kidman vs. Psychosis for the Cruiserweight Title and Sting vs. Bret Hart, but exactly none of those get any sort of production.
All it says for them is, "Match begins and ends in this segment" or, "Match continues and ends in this segment" following a commercial break. It's odd to think that WCW picked out the very first match as the only one that needed some detail; much of that deals with getting Saturn over, not Lizmark.
It's like the scriptwriter got bored and thought the matches didn't really matter.
This is a shame, in retrospect, because it would've been fun to read what the writer thought about Hart's WCW character at the time, or how the company planned to sell stinkers like Wrath vs. Villano V and Jerry Flynn vs. Juventud Guerrera as must-see television.