10 Things We Learned From Bruce Prichard’s Something To Wrestle With Live Glasgow

3. Vince’s Rental Return Policy

Vince McMahon Money

Common practice when returning a rental car is for the person to drive the car in, get out, speak to a member of staff and return the keys. That wasn't the way Vince McMahon rolled however. To him, time was a pressing concern, and he didn't want to waste any by dealing with paperwork or speaking to someone about his experience.

So, he'd simply rock up in the rental, wind down the window, holler at the nearest attendant, throw a $100 bill their way and ask where his driver should park.

Bruce said there'd often be an awkward silence when staff knew Vince was coming to return his vehicle. Nobody was worried about the condition it'd be in, or anything like that, they were more concerned by the fact he thought throwing money at them would mean he didn't have any responsibilities to return the car properly.

This goes hand-in-hand with a prior story Prichard has told about Vince paying someone on a flight to put out his cigarette. It turns out that McMahon is the real 'Million Dollar Man', not Ted DiBiase. It was his gimmick, and he lived it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.