10 Things We Learned From WWE 24: Batista

7. Shyness Held Him Back When He Got To WWE

Batista Shane McMahon
WWE Network

There were other problems besides not having a bank account.

A shy, introverted person at heart, the musclebound Batista didn't have the personality to back up his bulging frame or look. When he first arrived on the WWE main roster in 2002, most in the locker room thought he was an arrogant gym rat who believed he was better than everyone. He didn't, Dave was just too shy to shake anyone's hand.

It was out of character for him to approach others and revel, so he kept himself to himself. This heaped some early heat on Batista; traditionally, men and women in wrestling lockers rooms are expected to shake hands with everyone when they arrive at the building, or at least do so before they leave. That was alien to Dave.

There's a cool clip showing his awkwardness here. Shane McMahon comes up all smiles and handshakes, and it's clear to see that Batista wants a hole to open up so he can jump inside. His shy face and squirming shoulders bely someone with his body.

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