10 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: WCW's Big Bang

5. Clips From A January 2001 Press Conference Are Amazing

Eric Bischoff WCW
WWE Network

'Untold' has some of the most interesting WCW-related audio you'll ever hear.

In two little minutes, Brad Siegel (a Turner executive), Bischoff and Bedol can all be heard speaking at a special press conference event held on 11 January 2011. There, all parties agreed that WCW was in good hands, and acknowledged that a deal between AOL/Time Warner and Fusient had gone through.

After that, Bisch celebrated by taking his family to Hawaii, but was shocked to receive a call from Bedol telling him that they were "done"; Jamie Kellner infamously swooped in and, in his first big call in office as the head of TBS/TNT programming, cancelled plans for any and all wrestling on Turner networks.

Without a TV time slot, Bischoff and Bedol had nothing to work with. A few weeks later, McMahon bought key assets and effectively removed them from the equation. To summarise, Bisch went from proposed 50% owner who just needed to file paperwork to out on his ass.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.