10 Things We Need To See Before WWE's Bloodline Saga Ends

9. Some Clean Wins For Roman

Roman Reigns The Usos Bloodline

From an in-ring perspective, Roman’s reign as top champion - Universal, WWE, Undisputed, whatever - has been booked almost to perfection. Every fight feels huge, they’re rarely less than very good, with a few classics thrown in there (Kevin Owens, Daniel Bryan, Brock at SummerSlam).

If you were to knock them, it’s fair to say Reigns’ matches hit a few of the same beats more often than not - most notably, cousin Solo appearing to jam his thumb in a foe’s neck to soften them up for a spear. There’s no disputing that Reigns feels like a dominant star. As the big finale looms closer, though, it would be beneficial for Roman (and whoever beats him) for the Tribal Chief to pick up a few big wins without his underlings.

Feeding Roman lower midcarders wouldn’t achieve anything at this point, but a couple of decisive, clean wins against established players - Sheamus, AJ Styles, LA Knight to really annoy the fans - would dispel any suggestion that Roman needs the Bloodline to get the job done. It might help to keep an eye on just how long his matches tend to run, too.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)