10 Things Wrestling Fans Found Too Distracting

3. Aubrey Edwards' Lipstick

Aubrey Edwards Justin Roberts

Oh dear.

That's all yours truly could think when he heard Aubrey Edwards explain how some AEW fans complain about her lipstick to company management on a weekly basis. Apparently, there are some out there who believe Aubrey's make-up is a distraction that takes away from AEW's product and stops them from enjoying matches.

Sorry, but that's rather ridiculous. At the risk of getting too staunch in one's defence of Edwards here, it really is. Aubrey is entitled to wear whatever the hell she likes, and it's hardly as though she's donning a clown's wig and face paints whilst reffing All Elite's biggest bouts. She's a woman who likes wearing some lippy.

That's all, and it's baffling that anybody would have a problem with this or find said lipstick "too distracting". She's not making obnoxious noises like Bill Alfonso, she's not stopping mid-match to tell everyone that what they're watching is the sh*ts and she's not making the show all about her.

She's...wearing a little bit of lipstick. At least Edwards can see the funny side.

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