10 Things WWE Failed To Learn From WCW's Demise

8. Fans Didn't Want WCW To Disappear

Even though he was clearly positioned as the heel throughout their rivalry, and thus it probably makes sense, Triple H was booked to bad mouth World Championship Wrestling on several occasions during his feud with one of that promotion's most iconic stars, Sting. It seemed that the comments were supposed to have fans showing at least a small amount of doubt, wondering if 'The Game' was doing nothing other than trying to protect WWE from someone he perceived as the last threat coming from the now-defunct Atlanta organisation. It could have been viewed that way, and probably was by some, but Triple H seemed to be missing the point somewhat, fans interested in the feud miss WCW. WWE have always fought a long-running battle to re-write history, and seem to still have it stuck in their throats that WCW once dominated them, albeit briefly. That's all well and good, but it's something they really need to get over, and quickly realise that many older wrestling fans have a lot of fondness for WCW.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.