10 Things WWE Failed To Learn From WCW's Demise

6. Titles Treated Like Mere Props

In 2015, titles don't seem to mean quite as much to WWE as they did in bygone generations. This isn't a new thing, titles have been treated with lesser importance with each passing year since the mid-90's, a time when WCW was still going head-to-head with the then-WWF. This is a problem that badly needs rectifying, there's no need for the WWE Tag-Team Titles to come across as unimportant, they should be a valuable commodity to the promotion for building stars and increasing interest. In WCW, titles changed hands with alarming regularity towards the end, but that wasn't the only problem. During the Attitude Era, the same thing happened in the WWF, but the difference between both companies was that fans truly cared about the characters vying for the belts in the federation. In today's WWE, an Intercontinental Title match - even one featuring someone as beloved as Daniel Bryan - can come and go without much notice, which shouldn't be the case.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.