10 Things WWE Fans Need To Admit About Hating Roman Reigns

1. We're Just Afraid Of What Accepting Him Would Imply

Roman Reigns promo picture

After all the debating is over and all factors have been accounted for, this writer's continued urge to violently reject Roman Reigns boils down to one very simple point.

If WWE fans were to abandon their increasingly porous critique against Reigns, or even actually warm up to him, then by gum, that would simply justify this protracted triple root canal of a storyline.

Worse yet, Vince would end up being right. Not only would his confidence in his archaic booking priorities be strengthened, so would his patience in the face of massive fan backlash.

It's basically one big game of chicken, and if we lose, the next terrible Vince McPlan to beset us could go on for decades. Fan protests would bounce off him like bullets off Supergirl's bosoms, and the new trademark WWE graphic would be a shot of the chairman cackling maniacally (out of character) as lightning strikes in the distance.

This is the fundamental reason many fans will simply never accept Roman Reigns no matter what happens.

It's okay, saying it won't kill you… the doctors revived yours truly in thirty seconds flat.

Thanks for reading!

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Roman Reigns
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CKUT radio host, underground lyricist, Michael Myers scholar and all-around world-class opiner. Signature move: Irony Bomb. Blood type: chai. Never seen in the same place and time as Logic Johnson, former featured columnist for Bleacher Report. Hopelessly unfamiliar with Yellow Submarine.