10 Things WWE Fans Need To Admit About Hating Roman Reigns
2. Hate Is Publicity
This might strike at the ego somewhat, but there's no masking the fact that all the negative attention against Reigns is an exercise in self-defeat. All it does is feed the same machine that drives him further and further down the popular oesophagus.
Thanks in no small part to the people who dislike him, Reigns is consistently one of the hottest topics in wrestling. When people watch in droves either to see him lose or just to see what on Earth creative has for him next, what matters is that they tune in.
Vince McMahon may not be smiling about these insufferably vocal crowds, but he is going to make the most of them. Think back; has there ever been a more self-aware angle than Reigns vs. Triple H? Every booking step was carefully crafted to anticipate and cajole the viewer rather than entertain. All that vitriol just made a bad angle worse.
Like it or not, flooding the atmosphere with anti-Reigns chatter is just about the worst way to make him go away… so the joke's really on us, isn't it?