10 Things WWE Fans Need To Admit About Hating Roman Reigns
9. He's Probably As Ready As He'll Ever Be

Most Reigns critics like this next argument as a way to maintain the appearance of fairness as they bash away at him.
The idea is that he isn't ready to be WWE's poster boy yet. He just needs to keep developing his character, mic skills, move set, conditioning, 40-yard dash, three-point shot and handwriting.
We're totally ready to accept him once he morphs into some hypothetical future self born of our wildest fancy. See? Perfectly fair.
What a sin, then, to suggest that most of Reigns' development is already behind him. Eighteen months or so of railing against his abnormal upward mobility seems to have blinded many people to his marked improvement in the key points of wrestler-dom.
He's answering the call between the ropes, and his issues on the microphone have been shown to stem more from the way WWE scripts promos rather than anything he himself is doing or not doing.
Reigns isn't going to be making any quantum leaps now and, even though he still has some rough edges, he's well beyond a work in progress.