10 Things WWE Fans Need To Admit About Hating Roman Reigns
8. It Doesn't Matter How Ready He Is

So, maybe you agree that he is ready for the top spot now, or maybe you still think he needs some much needed growth. Guess what - who cares? The idea that fans can't accept a World Champion who lacks dimension is… look, Hulk Hogan, okay?
We may have our own ideas about rewarding other guys for some incredible ring work, but we all know deep down that we can and do overlook any number of shortcomings in a marketable champion.
Reigns' all-around talent level isn't what made the Universe react to him like a Brussels sprout sundae, it's just being used to fatten the prosecution's case against him now that he's on the wrong side of public opinion for other reasons altogether.
Even if he morphed into Roman Rollins overnight, with the mic-ripping skills of Dwayne Johnson and the uncanny bankability of Terry Bollea, most critics would still be no less sore about his horrid booking and/or vanillafication.
But most of all…