10 Things WWE Fans Need To Admit About Hating Roman Reigns
4. The Rocky Route Isn't A Viable Option
The thought of fixing this whole mess by turning Reigns heel seems like a compelling solution, but that's mainly because it flies so squarely in the face of what Vinnie Mac is trying to accomplish. This, in turn, is why it's not even an option.
Vince doesn't want a heel champ, he wants a friendly Reigns.
Another key fact that gets glossed over is that The Rock's historic turn required more than mere circumstance to take off. Rocky had bottomless pools of personality to help him make magic out of his own unpopularity, something that Reigns simply doesn't have.
Even setting all this aside, the moment Reigns hinted at a heel turn, most smarks would instantly feel baited by McMahon and continue resisting. Sure, Reigns' new character would have some more satisfying notes to it, but most would be too weary of warming up to him (title or no title,) because it's obviously a trick, you guys.