10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1993

3. Only Three Men Held The WCW World Title All Year

steve austin brian pillman

In 1999, the WCW World Title was held by 7 different wrestlers, changing hands 10 times. During that 12 month span, the belt was also vacated twice. The following year in 2000, things got even more hectic, with 10 different performers grabbing the gold. In contrast, 1993 had only 3.

Obviously, the 'Monday Night Wars' upped the ante when it came to providing thrills and spills. This explains why the title was passed around so much, but there was also less emphasis on the importance of a top champion during that era. 

Things were different in the early-1990's, and promotions understood the value of their top prize.

During '93, only Sting, Big Van Vader and Ric Flair were called WCW World Champion. Vader held the title the longest through the year, with a combined haul of over 300 days across separate reigns. 

From January 1, 1999 until December 31, the championship only switched titleholder a trio of times. 

Sting would hold it the shortest (6 days), whereas Flair bagged the belt at December's Starrcade show, which just so happened to be the 10th anniversary of that event title.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.