10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1997

10. August 25th Nitro Rating Was Highest Of The Year

Definitely the biggest storyline running through WCW in 1997 was Sting's pursuit of the nWo. Scheduled to face Hollywood Hogan at Starrcade in December, Sting appeared many times through the year. Most of the segments involving Sting were either false-flag propaganda from the nWo, claiming Sting had joined them, or simply the real deal himself looking on from the rafters. On August 25th, Monday Nitro was coming from the Carolina Coliseum in Columbia, South Carolina. Ratings had been generally high for Nitro in 1997, but this particular episode would prove to be one of the highest weekly ratings in WCW history. On the show, Sting confronted the nWo and Eric Bischoff, who claimed he wouldn't book Hogan vs. Sting. Scaring the hell out of the boss, Sting unfolded a Hogan t-shirt and stuffed it down Eric's throat. Perhaps due to this happening early in the broadcast, wrestling fans continued to keep tuning in. Overall, the show posted a 5.0 rating. Also on the show, Yuji Nagata faced Chris Jericho for the WCW Cruiserweight Title, and Randy Savage faced Lex Luger in the main event.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.