10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WCW Nitro

1. 2000 Was Actually Kinda' Fun

ddp david arquette

This is, by far, the biggest realisation when re-watching every Nitro.

2000 was considered a laughing stock for WCW. Vince Russo's power-madness reached new heights, David Arquette won the World Title, the entire product rebooted with the 'New Blood' vs. 'Millionaire's Club' false dawn and every episode of TV seemed like it'd been written on a napkin in the middle of a hurricane.

Somehow, that 12-month nightmare was the most fun to return to. Nitro became so ridiculous and rubbish that it was hard to stop watching the writers (be that Russo, Eric Bischoff or anybody else involved) try to pull a watchable product out of the fiery wreckage they'd caused. By mid-year, you're almost begging for it to get even worse.

It does, and that's the best part. The second half of 2000 is the kind of fare that'd lead to endless '0 Ups & 98 Downs From WCW Nitro' articles today. It's glorious! Sometimes, bad wrestling is better than good wrestling, and Nitro's final full year is evidence of that.

Go and watch some of it. Not all, but some.

What are your favourite WCW Nitro memories? For more like this, check out 10 Things We Learned From A Genuine 1998 WCW Nitro Script and 10 Predictions For The State Of Wrestling In 5 Years!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.