10 Times Triple H Actually Made Legit WWE Stars

5. Chyna

Triple H Chyna

At In Your House 13: Final Four, some musclebound woman attacked Marlena from the crowd during Triple H's match wth Goldust. That bicep-flexing invader would be named Chyna and become Trips' bodyguard for the foreseeable future - it was yet another example of the man's star-making abilities.

In an era obsessed with overt masculinity (women were eye candy or innocent types who couldn't break an egg), Hunter willingly let a woman do much of his heavy lifting. He didn't shy away from the notion that babyfaces would kick his ass if Chyna didn't step in, and that gave her instant credibility as a character.

She was more threatening than 90% of the men.

The company continued pushing Chyna as an equal to the lads, which was refreshing, and Triple H aided that booking by cowering behind her whenever danger was near. Eventually, she also became a key part of D-Generation X alongside him, and then a standalone figure who fought her own battles.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.