10 Times Wrestlers Couldn't Remember Their Match

9. Shane McMahon (Survivor Series 2016)

Shane McMahon Survivor Series

Shane McMahon has been though some serious abuse throughout his career, and he's taken some hellish bumps that clouded his memory. Few were as viciously jarring as a Coast-To-Coast attempt on Roman Reigns at Survivor Series 2016 though.

That one was hard to watch.

Shane-O came down hard on the back on his head after being hit with a Spear in mid-air by Reigns, and he was visibly glassy-eyed before WWE officials and medics helped him from the ring. The incident was so severe that Randy Orton, who was one of McMahon's teammates, walked over to Shane's kids in the front row and eased concerns that their father was seriously hurt.

The referee did the right thing by stopping the match instead of letting Roman pin him. Performer health comes first, not some Survivor Series elimination. Everyone in the building could see that Shane had been knocked out.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.