10 Times Wrestlers Couldn't Remember Their Match

8. Drew McIntyre (Money In The Bank 2010)

Kofi Kingston Drew McIntyre MITB 2010
WWE Network

Imagine taking a bump through the announce table live on pay-per-view, waking up and wondering why thousands of screaming wrestling fans are in your bedroom. Drew McIntyre doesn't need to imagine it, although he probably needed to watch the rest of his night's work at Money In The Bank 2010 back.

A 'Boom Drop' from Kofi Kingston left the big Scot unconscious.

McIntyre has laughed in interviews when recalling the spot now. He can see the funny side of coming to without any recollection of where he is or why so many people are roaring with approval as he's cosily tucked up in bed. Of course, he wasn't in bed. Drew was on the arena floor dribbling.

He still finds it challenging to recollect what happened after Kofi's move off the top of a ladder. That's one match he's had to revisit on the WWE Network. Probably.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.