10 Times WWE Failed Roman Reigns

4. Forcing Him Into 'Mania 33's Main Event

Roman Reigns The Undertaker

Even taking the obvious fact Roman Reigns isn't as accomplished a worker as Shawn Michaels out of the equation for a second, The Undertaker of 2017 was not the same performer who had worked wonders seven years earlier against HBK.

In Orlando at WrestleMania 33, 'Taker didn't belong anywhere near the main event unless WWE were prepared to take some serious shortcuts. A one-on-one match lasting 23 minutes was not the best use of the legend at 'Mania; he looked positively knackered just a few moments in and barely breathing by the end.

It's understandable that WWE would want to repeatedly push Reigns into the headline slot, it really is. As one of their biggest pet projects, it makes sense that they'd do everything in their power to present him as the man. Unfortunately, he's not capable of drawing a match befitting of that position from an ageing relic who wrestles in serious pain.

Reigns vs. Undertaker needed to be a co-main event at best and ten minutes shorter.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.