10 Times WWE Failed To Pass The Torch

5. John Cena To Ryback (Monday Night Raw 2012)

Roman Reigns John Cena

Not every moment on this list happened in a match per sé.

Some passing of the torch moments are brought to life due to circumstance alone and when John Cena was struck down by injury in October 2012 it opened the door for a new star to break through.

Opting out of title consideration due to his damaged right arm, Cena left the path clear for 'The Big Guy' Ryback to challenge WWE Champion CM Punk at Hell in a Cell. The sizeable athlete had been on an absolute tear since his repackaging as a crowd favourite monster fond of chanting 'FEED ME MORE!' and went on a 38 match winning streak during this run.

So, Ryback had his big chance to grasp the torch which Cena had willingly handed to him and run straight through 'The Voice of the Voiceless'.

Unfortunately, it didn't exactly work out that way and Ryback's indomitable streak was broken at the hands of a Punk low blow and Brad Maddox fast count.

He would never feel as hot again and - despite challenging for the WWE title a few more times - he soon found himself directionless and a shell of the near-main event level performer he had threatened to be when Cena initially handed him the mantle.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...