10 Totally Unnecessary WWE Gimmick Changes

1. Kane (Big Red Machine > Necrophiliac)

Brock Lesnar MMA Cowboy

Yes, the Katie Vick crap was bad. There's no getting away from that, but it was also one of WWE's most unnecessary attempts to further flesh out a pre-existing character. Did Kane really need to add "possible necrophiliac" to his resume in 2002?

The answer, obviously, is no.

Kane had been many things since his debut in 1997 - he was a mute version of The Undertaker, an indestructible, Michael Myers-esque killing machine, a sympathetic tag-team partner and more. That wasn't enough for Vince McMahon though. Nah, he had to have Triple H point fingers at the 'Big Red Machine' for having sex with corpses too.

Remember this when people say that "wrestling was better 20 years ago". Bad booking, sure. Unnecessary plot point that stuck like mud? Yep. Nobody who lived through the Katie Vick nonsense will ever forget it. WWE probably wants you to.

What other WWE gimmick changes do you think were totally unnecessary? For more wrestling, check out WWE Royal Rumble 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen and WWE Royal Rumble 2022: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True!

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Brock Lesnar
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