10 Unthinkable WrestleMania Records WWE Will Break Soon

2. Most Matches On The Card

Roman Reigns WrestleMania Main events

WrestleMania 35 was the peak of bloated Granddaddies. It clocked in at a whopping five hours 24 minutes and finished after midnight on the East Coast! After 35, the event was split between Saturday and Sunday, first to keep wrestlers separate during the COVID-19 outbreak, then to do the same for the fans the following year.

It's all about packing out the stadium twice now, and WWE will never go back to the way it was. That's definitely not a bad thing. With two nights, there's so much more room to throw matches onto the card, and feuds that might have been bumped for time in the past can play out on the Grandest Stage again.

Despite its mind-boggling length, 'Mania 35 wasn't the event with the most matches. That record is tied between WrestleMania IV, 36, and 38, which all hosted 16 matches. The fourth version of the event had a 14-man (because Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant went in at round two) tournament where every match happened on the card. 36 and 38 were over two days, so had longer to play with.

Will we see more than 16 matches at an upcoming 'Mania? With 40 just around the corner, it's likely the card will be packed for the anniversary. The current roster will be there, but you can expect even more legends as its a milestone event. WWE relies on part-timers to stretch these cards as far as they can go, and it's likely we'll get 17 or more matches very soon.


When I'm not trying my hardest to visit all 50 U.S. states, I'm listening to music from the 80s, watching TV from the 90s, and reminiscing about growing up in the 00s. I'm currently living in Melbourne, Australia so WWE premium live events are on Sunday afternoons for me; the absolute dream.