10 Ways TNA Impact Wrestling Can Improve In 2015

3. Listen To Your Fans

While WWE continues to make decisions that they feel are best, even if it isn't what their fans are being vocal for, TNA should go in the opposite direction. Live crowds not responding to someone? Don't push that person. Live crowds going crazy for someone? Give that person a push. If they're not reacting "properly" to an angle, take it in a different direction. These are the people who spend their hard-earned money to buy tickets and support the product, so their opinions matter more than anything. Being stubborn and not listening to them only angers them, and if it keeps happening, they won't be around to support anymore. Blind WWE fans would say that the company is a billion-dollar corporation that can't always cater to the fans, especially when it's a vocal minority of them who are trying to will their "indy darlings" to the top. While the company doesn't need to turn their product into 2005-era Ring Of Honor to succeed, they certainly do need to listen to their fans more. They have turned off so many people in the last few years, and their sagging ratings show that. TNA doesn't have the same numbers that WWE brings in, so they definitely can't afford to turn their fans off. Give the people what they want, and they will keep coming back for more. That goes for any company is any line of work.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.