10 Ways WWE Should Have Booked Raw (Nov 16th)

2. A Better Way To Build This Feud

Paige has been a focal point of the Divas Division pretty much since she debuted, and that likely explains the lack of excitement surrounding her match with Charlotte at Survivor Series. The majority of the WWE Universe would prefer to see Sasha Banks in her place, while the entire PCB storyline has been a dud since day one. Anyone with a lick of common sense could see that a heel turn for Paige was incoming, but the messy and slow way that was tackled really robbed it of any impact, especially as Charlotte stupidly forgave her pretty much a week after she dropped that pipe bomb promo. The way the confrontation between these two Divas was handled on Raw just goes to show how desperate WWE Creative are to inject any sort of life into this feud at this stage, and Sasha was no doubt kept off this episode in an effort to keep the focus on the storyline. It's just a shame that they had to resort to bringing up Charlotte's dead brother to up the stakes; it came across as false, cheap, and nasty. Charlotte (and no doubt Ric Flair himself) would have agreed to that happening, and while there's nothing wrong with bringing a bit of reality into the WWE at times, this felt like a desperate move on their part to add some emotion, something which ended up amounting to a lot of awkward silences. Creative really needed to find a compelling reason for fans to care about this match for the Divas Championship going into Raw, and they failed to come up with anything better than the death of Reid Flair, making this feud as uninteresting when Raw finished as it was when it started.

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