10 WCW Ideas Eric Bischoff Can Use To Boost SmackDown

9. Utilise The Cruiserweights

eric bischoff

While WCW famously paid a huge wedge of cash to bring over some of the then-WWF’s biggest stars – Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall et al – one of the reasons that Ted Turner’s rasslin’ company began to trounce its opposition was down to the in-ring entertainment offered up by WCW’s cruiserweight division.

The ex-WWF guys may have brought eyes to the product, but it was more often than not the cruiserweights who kept viewers sticking around in terms of sheer in-ring action. For all the star power brought in by the aforementioned bigger names, they simply couldn’t match the work rate and energy of the likes of Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko, Ultimo Dragon, Juventud Guerrera and Chris Jericho.

Over the past month or so, WWE’s 205 Live brand has really started to shine with the in-ring antics the show has served up. And given that the notion of having the cruiserweights exclusive to the Raw brand has been dropped, Bischoff could do far worse than look to showcase some of 205’s finest on SmackDown.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.