10 WCW Managers You Totally Don’t Remember

8. Alexandra York

Scott Steiner Censored

Alexandra York was a gimmick ahead of its time.

Future WWE 'Diva' Terri Runnels was the one carting around that computer in 1990, and she claimed that it could accurately predict the outcome of WCW matches. In fact, York said, her financially-themed clients like Michael Wallstreet and Terrance Taylor had a statistically better chance of winning that their opponents.

Even the biggest WCW hater has to give the promotion credit for trying something fresh here. Computers weren't yet in every home, and the machines themselves were thought to be clever enough without the all-important human interaction. If anything though, York's character came a little too soon for fans to really get it.

Terri faded into obscurity until debuting in WWE as Goldust's Marlena. That run ended up completely blowing her WCW one out of the water. Who knows - maybe that fancy dancy (brick-like and likely slow-as-hell) laptop predicted her fortunes would change way back in '90?

Probably not.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.